Information about Jan-Arwed Richter

Born and growing up in the early 1970s in bicycle distance from Hamburg Airport, I came into contact with aviation since my early youth. The fascination of watching planes still amazes me today. After graduation, I studied city- and regional planning but the fascination for aviation never stops. During that time I and my friend Christian Wolf founded JACDEC as a non-commercial project and so I developed my 2ndary career as an aviation safety author. Therefore we initiated a huge database of commercial aviation accidents as a hobby. It was until the year 2000, I decided to make aviation safety my #1 profession. Besides writing articles I received requests from people and corporations seeking qualified safety expertise of airlines and countries. Consequently, JACDEC evolved into an aviation safety consultant and became a globally recognized institution for professional safety information.
For further request and questions, mail me > jrichter(at)
Let me know in case you have any further questions. NOTE: For media inquiries and interviews, JACDEC reserves the right to give answers in written form only.